Donnerstag, 28. Juli 2011

First DLC and patch news announced!

New maps and modes are coming to Duke Nukem Forever in the Hail to the Icons Parody Pack! Arriving on Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC this Fall, the add-on packs four new multiplayer maps (each with a new weapon) and three new multiplayer modes, and will be FREE to all First Access Club members who registered their FAC membership before Duke Nukem Forever launched in their country (subject to availability).

The Parody Pack includes:

• Three All-New Modes – Freeze Tag provides some of the most fun team gameplay in Duke Nukem Forever. Players cooperate to freeze and shatter their opponents in succession for huge point streaks and combos. See who can hold on to the babe the longest in Hot Potato and play free-for-all Duke style in Hail to the King.

Call of Duke – Duke engages in modern combat in a war-torn city. Foes don’t stand a chance against the Duke when he spams the map with the N00b T00b.
Sandbox – Players take the role of mini-Duke in a giant sandbox with two bases at either end made out of children’s toys. This map features Sticky Bombs.
Inferno – Time machine engage! Duke does combat in a hellish landscape of lava and teleporters. Who turned on the 16-bit graphics, and more importantly, where did this DFG come from?
2Forts1Bridge – Hats? Duke doesn’t need no stinking hats. Give him a minigun and he’ll beat off all comers.

Don’t want to wait to get your hands on the new content? You’re in luck! 2K will be hosting Multiplayer Dukematches at their headquarters in Novato, California on Thursday, August 4. For details on how to register for your chance to attend, visit the    2K Blog

Hail to the King, baby!


The development team has been hard at work combing through the feedback provided here and elsewhere, with updates based on this feedback currently in the works for all three platforms.

Among the changes coming to PC are a new expanded inventory option that allows you to carry up to four weapons in the single-player campaign, Valve Anti-Cheat System (VAC) support, push-to-talk voice chat, the ability to adjust FOV plus other fixes and improvements that are still being tested.

We’ll be sharing more details about the updates, including those coming to PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, as they’re finalized. Thanks again for your support!


Dienstag, 12. Juli 2011

Duke Nukem History of a Legend part 4

The fourth part of the History of a Legend series has been released!

Watch here

If you missed the older parts look for it here, here, and here.

If you wonder why I was soquite in the last weeks, the reason is that I had and still have a lot on my mind!
I can't wait for the upcoming DNF DLC's though! :)

Lets hope Gearbox delivers also on the patch side soon, its about time!